A 67yr old male with body pains and fever

Oct 10,2022

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment 

Patha Sindhusha 

A 67 yr old male patient came to the causality with chief complaints of 

- fever since 10 days 

- body pains and generalized weakness since 10 days 

- shortness of breath since 5 days 

- abdominal pain since 2 days 

History of presenting illness

Patient was apparantly asymptomatic 10 days back later he developed fever associated with chills with evening of rise of temperature . 

H/o burning mi

H/o dry cough , generalized weakness and body pains . 

H/o of an episode of vomiting on 4th day of illness had food particles as content which was no bilious and non projectile.

H/o breathlessness in exertion since 5 days 

H/o epigastric pain which is of squeezing type 

H/o abdominal pain since 2 days


-In 2007; he underwent Surgery for Aortic dissection.

 -And after 10 months Underwent ESWL for kidney stones in Right Kidney.

-H/O Hypertension since 15 years.

-No H/O Diabetes;Asthma;Tuberculosis;Epilepsy.


-He wakes up at 5:00 am and 

-Does his work as milk vendor ; 

-Eat's meal for 3 times a day and had good appetite and 

-Has adequate sleep and 

-Bowel - regular 

-H/O burning micturition since 10 days. 

-No addictions.


No similar complaints in any one of his family members. 


Patient is Conscious; Coherent and Cooperative and Well oriented to time;place and person. 

Pallor                                            - Absent 

Icterus                                          - Present 

Clubbing                                      - Absent 

Kolinychia                                    -Absent

Generalised Lymphadenopathy -Absent 

Bilateral Pedal Edema                 -Absent 


Pulse Rate          -   102 bpm

Blood pressure   -  90/60 mm of Hg

Respiratory Rate - 26cpm

SpO2                     - 97%

GRBS                     - 150mg/dl


Respiratory system;

-Shape of the chest normal, 

-Trachea appears to be in centre 

-6 to 8 inch longitudinal Scar is present over the sternum.

-Normal vesicular breath sounds heard 

Cardiovascular system;

- S1 S2 heard 

- No thrills and murmurs 

Abdomen ;

- Shape of the abdomen 

- tenderness present in epigastric region

- no palpable masses 

- hernial orifices normal 

- liver and spleen are not palpable 


- pateint is conscious 

- speech normal 





Leptospirosis ?


- Iv 20NS 20 RL @75ml /hr 
- Inj pan 
- Inj ceftriaxone 
- Inj neomol 
- Tab dolo 
- Inj optineuron 


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